Chaire de recherche
- Mouhamadou Sy is the endowed Chair in Mathematics and its Applications at AIMS Senegal, funded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. His research interests are: Nonlinear partial differential Equations, with a particular focus on stochastic approaches to regularity problems; Dispersive Equations such as the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations, Fluid dynamics models such as the Navier-Stokes related Equations; Invariant measures problems in infinite-dimension. He is also interested in Universality phenomena.
Activités de recherche
- Organization of ateliers, conférences, des écoles d'été conjointement avec des universités / institutions nationales et internationales de l'AIMS Sénégal.
Supervision des doctorants working as assistants of the Chair and participating in the academic activities (doctoral courses, workshops, conferences, etc.) at the Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar and the University of Bielefeld in Germany. The PhD program is funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
Please visit the chair’s personal website for updates (m-sy.org)
- Visites de recherche courtes (1 à 2 semaines) à AIMS Sénégal;
- Initiative de recherche en binôme: visites de 2 à 4 semaines par un chercheur sénégalais et un partenaire de recherche local d'une autre université; ou un partenaire de recherche international; ou doctorant ou post-doctorant;
- Co-organisation de cours de courte durée, conférences et ateliers;
Students in the mathematical sciences wishing to join the Research Centre may apply to register for PhD with the Chair. All relevant research proposals will be considered. Please feel free to send a detailed CV to mouhamadou.sy@aims-senegal.org.

Collaborators and research partners:
– National laboratories.
– International researchers:
Prof. Benjamin Dodson (Johns Hopkins University, USA)
Prof. Juraj Földes (University of Virginia, USA)
Prof. Martin Hairer (EPFL (Switzerland) and Imperial College London (UK))
Prof. Martina Hofmanova (University of Bielefeld, Germany)
Prof. Xueying Yu (Oregon State University, USA)