AIMS Senegal is currently hosting four doctorate and one post-doctoral researcher.

Former PhD students
Co-supervised with Prof Mamadou Sanghare
Defended on 4th May 2018. Currently has permanent position at the University of Thies in Senegal. He won the Ibni prize for his PhD in 2018 for his PhD thesis.

Former PhD students
Co-supervised with Mamadou Sanghare and Bakary Manga,
Defended on 4th May 2018. Currently has permanent position at the University of Douala in Cameroon.

Former PhD students
Co-supervised with Diaraf Seck,
Defended on 22nd February 2020

Former PhD students
Co-supervised with Papa Ngom and Agostino Merico,
Defended on 29th January 2020

Former PhD students
Co-supervised with Tobias Weth

Former PhD students
Co-supervised with Diaraf Seck,

Former PhD students
Co-supervised with Tobias Weth,

Former PhD students
Co-supervised with Tobias Weth,