Postdoctoral Fellowship
Applications Closed
Application Form

The German research chair, Dr. Mouhamadou Sy at AIMS Senegal, in collaboration with Prof.
Martina Hofmanova at Bielefeld University, Germany, is offering a Postdoctoral fellowship at AIMS
Senegal research center in Mbour. This fellowship is made available and funded by the
DAAD to promote international academic exchange as well as educational co-operation with
developing countries through a variety of funding and scholarship programs.
We are looking for excellent candidates with strong interest in research in Partial
differential equations and Stochastic analysis. The research topics will be
mathematical,motivated by various applications such as in fluid dynamics, turbulence, propagation
of waves in nonlinear media, and understanding chaotic behaviors and their applications.
Among others, we are seeking for candidates with a strong interest in one of the following
• Analysis of partial differential equations
• Stochastic analysis
• Dispersive and nonlinear waves
• Fluid dynamics
Aplication Documents
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- For more information