Second AIMS Imaginary Maths and Science Roadshow, Workshop and Exhibition

Introduction This second edition of the AIMS–IMAGINARY Maths and Science Roadshow, Workshop and Exhibition will showcase interactive visual and hands-on tools used to stimulate interest in maths and sciences among diverse groups of people. The event targets primary, secondary, high school and university learners and teachers/lecturers. It will consist of (1) an AIMS–IMAGINARY Maths and Science Roadshow packed with

AIMS-Senegal’s Cooperative Program

As of April 1st, AIMS-Senegal’s Cooperative Students completed their coursework, and began their first work placements in the following week. The AIMS-Senegal’s Cooperative Program (Co-op Program), is the first of its kind in the AIMS Network. The pilot program aims to provide the same rigor as the AIMS TOP Master’s Program, with an additional seven months dedicated