Bernadette Faye is actually an assistant lecturer at the university Gaston Berger of Saint Louis (UGB) in Senegal. She recently obtained her PhD degree in analytic number theory into a dual program between the University of Witwatersrand (Wits) in South Africa and the University of Dakar (UCAD) under the co-supervision of the Pr. Florian Luca from Wits University and Pr. Djiby Sow from UCAD. The main objective of her Ph.D was the study of Diophantine equations with arithmetic functions and binary recurrent sequences. After obtaining her Bachelor degree in Mathematics, she was selected to pursue a Master program in cryptography and information security at the department of mathematics and computer science at UCAD. In 2012, she joined the African Institute for Mathematical Science (AIMS) in Senegal where she obtained a Master degree in mathematical sciences. Then, she was awarded a PhD fellowship from the TWAS-OWSD which allowed her to start a PhD in co-supervision between UCAD and the university of Wits in Johannesburg. She graduated in December 2017. Since December 2018, she has been an assistant lecturer at the UGB, in Senegal. Her main research focus is Analytic Number Theory.