Djiby Sow is a full Professor in Mathematics, Cryptography and Information Security (CAMES 2012). He is a lecturer-researcher in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology at Cheikh Anta Diop University (UCAD) of Dakar. He is the Head of the Discrete Mathematics and Cybersecurity (MDC) Research Group. He is also an external expert of the ANAQ-Sup in evaluation of higher education institutions.
Prof. Sow is the President of the Senegalese Association for Information Security (ASSI-Cybersecurity) and a member of the National Mathematics Commission. He as (co) supervised many PhD theses in cryptography, algebra and information security. He is a co-organiser of the International Conference in Cryptography (Africacrypt) which is referenced in several journals and conferences with proceedings. He is also the national head of the African Research Pole PRAIMS funded by the Simons Foundation.