In July 2018, Sokhar Samb (Senegal) and Jamil Ali Touré (Benin) flew to Bogota, Colombia for a work placement at the Centro de Pensamiento Estratégico Internacional (CEPEI) think tank. Both students gleaned the opportunity after rigorous screening during the work placement phase – a prerequisite for the 18-month Co-operative (Co-op) Education program. “Landing at the airport of Bogota, we were received by CEPEI (we were received by Mrs. Margarita Vaca at CEPEI) who took us to our temporary residence in la Candelaria. First day at CEPEI — we were like little kids in a candy store! We got to learn more about the agenda of CEPEI as a think tank, meeting the staff and carving our niche in the work environment”. Full story.