dans le cadre de la Chaire CNRS-AIMS en mathématique Liste des participants, Planning, Liste des abstracts Cours: Sorin Dumitrescu (Univ. Côte d’Azur, France) : Géométrie, groupes, uniformisation des surfaces de Riemann Frank Loray (Univ. Rennes, France) : Systèmes fuchsiens, monodromie et le problème de Riemann-Hilbert Athoumane Niang (Univ. Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar, Sénégal) : Introduction à
Introduction The collaborative efforts of the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences Rwanda (AIMS-NEI) and the Malaria Modelling for Sustainable Public Health Policies in Africa (MaModAfrica) consortium, are planning for the MAMODAFRICA PhD Training School. The training is designed to sharpen and elevate the knowledge and skills of eight PhD scholarship awardees hailing from diverse academic
Registration Procedure : Registration is Required to participate in the NLAGA- BIRS Conference. To register, please complete the following form : registration form Description: The NLAGA’s Biennial International Research Symposium (NLAGA-BIRS) is intended to gather African expertises in Non Linear Analysis, Geometry and their Applications with their International Partners in a four days conference where new mathematical results, in various
The Spring School will be held at the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) in Senegal and is targeted at enthusiastic MSc and PhD students with a keen interest in applied mathematics and ecological and socioeconomic sciences. The School will cover different topics, including ecological interactions, biodiversity, blue economy, environmental change, and marine resources.
AIMS joins the scientific community and the world to celebrate #WorldScienceDay for #Peace and #Development. Through Innovative #Scientific Training, and #Research & Breakthrough Discoveries, we are enabling Africa’s talented students to become innovators.
There is a strong interest in Senegal to promote and develop new research areas in mathematics (in particular in Algebra, Number Theory and Cryptography), attract new students and develop a scientific collaboration with other countries, mainly Canada, France, and USA. Holding a school in Cryptography and Number Theory in Senegal will be extremely helpful and
The African Women in Mathematics Association (AWMA) was established in July 2013 in Cape Town, South Africa (http://www.africanwomeninmath.org). Mainly, its purpose is to promote mathematics and the networking for women mathematicians in Africa. We strongly believe that a Women in Sage conference happening in AIMS Senegal and with the support of AWMA and the Senegalese
The Spring School is jointly organized by AIMS Senegal and the Goethe-University Frankfurt, and it is funded by the DAAD Germany within the project “Local and Nonlocal Effects in Geometric Variational Problems”. In addition to participants from AIMS Senegal, up to 20 junior scientists are invited participate. The scientific program and meals will take place