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Hubert Kanyamahanga

Hubert Kanyamahanga from Rwanda studied numerical analysis at the National University of Rwanda before gaining admission into AIMS Senegal (2015-2017, Mastercard Foundation Scholar).
His Co-op work placement was conducted at Wutiko, a networking company where he “discovered the core relationship between academics and real-life experience. One of our tasks at Wutiko was to implement and integrate a new search engine called ElasticSearch on the company platform. Due to the lack of sufficient documentation, it wasn’t easy. My work was a considerable contribution, as I maintained the integration of ElasticSearch and implemented some additional features such as Auto-complete and Highlighting, which facilitate search results”.

Hubert’s vision is evolving: “Growing up, I had a dream of becoming an entrepreneur. Today, with my education as a Data Scientist, I can fulfil that dream while training engineers – I’m grateful to AIMS”. Hubert currently works as a Senior Software Developer at Wutiko in Dakar, Senegal.

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