I grew up with a passion for networking, programming languages, movies and sports. I always nursed an interest in computer sciences. My childhood dream led me to enrol for a Bachelor’s degree in mathematics, physics and computer sciences, followed by an MSc in electronics and telecommunications engineering from the Gaston Berger University, Saint-Louis, Senegal.
I first learned of AIMS from an AIMS student who was an alumnus of my university. When I finally gained admission, I was surprised at the diversity! It was exciting to meet people from different African countries, a blend of different cultures and languages.
The system is entirely different from the standard tertiary education approach with respect to the timetable and three weeks blocks. We got exciting courses from great professors from around the world, and the Co-op program was highly beneficial to me, as it facilitated my placement at Neurotech.
In the course of this internship, I learned how to work with programs such as Pascal, C, Java, Python, R, Html, PHP, Android, Latex, Scala(Spark), operating systems like Windows, Linux and networking skills like ISDN, ATM, IP networks, TCP/IP protocol, LAN and WAN. Thanks to this professional experience, I became self-motivated, creative, detail-oriented, open-minded and punctual.
At the end of her work placement at Neurotech, Ndèye was offered the position of Data Analyst, which she holds to date.