Saliou Thiam is a holder of a Diploma in Computer Science applied to Business Management, a Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) and Comptia Security+ certified. He works in web/mobile application development and cybersecurity. Passionate about programming and ethical hacking, he develops applications to help businesses and the public to secure their data. He won the award
Researcher Type: Visiting Lecturer
Moussa Diedhiou
Mr. Moussa Diedhiou holds a Master’s degree in Computer Science, specializing in Data Transmission and Information Security from the Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar, Department of Computational Mathematics at the “Laboratoire d’Algébre de Cryptographie de Géométrie Algébrique et Applications” (LACGAA). Interested in research, he intends to continue his work on Machine Learning and Cybersecurity.
Prof. Conall Kelly
Conall Kelly completed his PhD in 2005 at Dublin City University with a thesis entitled “On the oscillatory behaviour of stochastic delay differential equations”, after which he spent a year at University College Cork as a postdoc in the SFI funded Probability Group, Department of Mathematics/BCRI. In August 2006 he moved to the Mona campus
Dr. Modou Mboup
Dr. El Hadji Modou Mboup is an expert at Gainde2000, where he is Head of Service, in IT Security. He is an IT consultant, certified in CEH EC-CONCIL, ISO 27 001 Lead Implementer and expert in the fields of Cybersecurity, Information Systems Audit and Information Systems Security Management with 10 years of experience. He practices
Prof. Norbert Tsopze
Norbert Tsopze is a senior lecturer at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Yaounde I and member of IDASCO (Informatique Distribuée Appliquée aux Systèmes Complexes), the local team of UMMISCO (Unité Mixte Internationale des Systèmes Complexes) research unit. His research interests include data mining, formal concept analysis, machine learning, text analysis, social network
Dr. Rémi Avohou
Before defending his thesis in 2015, in the area of Graph Theory and Combinatorics, Rémi Avohou was a tutor at AIMS Senegal from 2015 to 2016. After his doctorate he continued as a tutor at AIMS for a second year until 2017. He then undertook a postdoc at the Einstein Institute for Mathematics at the
Prof. Vincent Rivasseau
Vincent Rivasseau is a Professor in theoretical physics at the University Paris-Sud, Orsay, France since 2001. He is a former student of École Normale Supérieure (Paris, France) from 1974 to 1978 and Princeton University in 1978/79. He got his PhD in 1979 at Pierre and Marie Curie University, followed by the Thèse d’État in Mathematical
Prof. Ngom Diéne
Prof. Ngom is a professor of mathematics at the Department of Mathematics of the Assane Seck University of Ziguinchor in Senegal. His research work focuses on the elaboration, analysis, and control of mathematical models related to biology. He is also an associate researcher at the Laboratoire de Mathématiques Appliquées et d’Informatique (LANI) of the Gaston
Dr. Mustapha Lebbah
Mustapha Lebbah is currently Associate Professor at the Sorbonne Paris Nord University and a member of the Machine learning Team in LIPN Lab (UMR CNRS 7030). His main research is centered on machine learning (Unsupervised learning, mixture model, cluster analysis, scalable machine learning, big data and data science). Graduated from USTO University where he received
Dr. Diao Oumar
Diao Oumar is an information security professional and currently works as a security consultant at Orange France. In 2010, he obtained his PhD at the University of Rennes 1 (France) in Number Theory, more precisely on hyper-elliptic curves cryptography. He has written some papers on the theta model of elliptic curves. His numerous professional certifications